A Armênia é mais um país perdido e esquecido que tem muito mais a oferecer do que outros tantos destinos turísticos superestimados.
Paisagens e desfiladeiros de tirar o fôlego, cidades antigas, templos e mosteiros esculpidos nas falésias, boa comida e vistas inesquecíveis do bíblico Monte Ararat a partir das cascatas de uma capital incrível e original, construída com pedra rosada - Yerevan. Essas são algumas das coisas que você pode esperar deste pequeno país.
Se você gosta de história e visitar lugares magníficos e misteriosos que são testemunhas de antigos impérios antigos sem ter que esperar nas filas e aguentar hordas de excursões organizadas - escolha a Armênia - você se sentirá como um explorador.
Yerevan, the capital of Armenia is called "The pink city" because of the color of the stone used for building. Indeed, while driving through Armenian countryside you can easily spot that the houses along the way blend into the pinkish hills. Yerevan is a great example of the architecture from the Soviet Times. The buildings are concrete, heavy, and massive, streets are wide and the center city square is very spacious. After the world wars, the city of Yerevan was supposed to become 'a perfect city', designed by the architect Alexander Tamanyan. Yerevan is completely different than the neighboring capital of Georgia - Tbilisi that has medieval charm and wooden architecture with distinctive balconies leaning out over the cliffs. It' good to visit the two cities one after another, this way you will be able to experience the clash of two different eras even more.
The region of Caucasus is not large if the area is taken into consideration. However, it is extremely rich in culture and history which is concentrated in this relatively small piece of land. Besides Georgia, Armenia is an excellent proof to demonstrate it. Although so close to each other, (journey from Tbilisi in Georgia to Yerevan in Armenia takes only a few hours) those two countries are completely dissimilar. They have distinctly different languages with their own alphabets dating back to antiquity. So, if you like the ancient times and history, this is one of the reasons why you should visit Armenia.

It's unbelievable how diverse Armenia is, how astonishing the landscapes are and how many attractions are packed within such a small territory. From the amazing view of snow covered Mount Ararat, through gorges, canyons and sandstone formations to the ancient temples and monasteries carved into the walls of the cliffs. Even driving through Armenia is an attraction in itself. It's a great experience to discover something new, a country that is not visited by crowds of tourist and where a foreigner is still a rare sight.