A Eslováquia é um dos países mais pacíficos e idílicos da Europa. A principal atração do país são as belas montanhas Tatra, com suas inúmeras cavernas - como a surreal Caverna de Gelo Demanovska, onde você pode admirar magníficas estalactites e estalagmites de gelo, mesmo durante uma onda de calor no verão. A Eslováquia também possui o pico mais alto das Tatras.
Outro lugar que vale a pena conhecer é a capital - Bratislava - que é uma alternativa desconhecida e menos popular às cidades ultra famosas como Praga, Budapeste ou Cracóvia.
Para saber mais sobre a Eslováquia, dê uma olhada nos artigos abaixo:
Slovakia is a tiny country in the center of Europe, its top tourist attractions include the Tatra mountains, caves and medieval castles. It's probably best known from the horror movie 'Hostel'. But don't worry, chances that you will be kidnapped and tortured in Slovakia are as low as in any other European country. For such a small country, Slovakia has a lot to offer for all types of visitors. Those who search for silence and want to have a break from the hectic city life can relax in many spas located at the foot of Tatra Mountains in a beautiful scenery among forests and picturesque little villages. Those seeking adventure, will also find something for themselves, there are endless opportunities for hiking, rafting, skiing, cycling, horse riding, exploring caves and medieval castles.

Bratislava, the Slovakian capital, is rarely on the itinerary of the visitors traveling through Europe. Comparing to its famous neighbor - Prague, Bratislava is virtually non-existent in the eyes of a typical western tourist.
But because we love to go against the grain and discover the places which are less popular, during the long weekend in Prague, we jumped on the night bus and decided to spend a day in the capital of Slovakia. What did Bratislava turn out to be like? Was it worth visiting? Is it a good alternative to overrun by tourists, often overrated and expensive famous capitals?