Monaco is the smallest country in the world with the exception of the Vatican City. We visited it virtually by coincidence thanks to the extremely cheap flight for the French Riviera we had found.
Monaco is the favorite spot for the rich and famous and thus is disliked by many travelers as it lacks some of the authenticity of other, less known places. Nevertheless, it has a pretty nice, cozy and colorful old town which no one seems to talk about. Usually media portray Monaco only as the location of the Grand Prix race, luxurious casinos and posh hotels.
If you dislike crowds and want to see more of the real Monaco, visit it in winter, the prices are lower and the Christmas decorations are outstanding. Take a look at the article below and decide for yourself if it's worth visiting:

If one excludes the Vatican City, Monaco is the smallest country in the world. It's a popular tourist destination due to its proximity to the French Riviera and tax free status. It's also the place where the rich and famous come - full of luxurious hotels, resorts and casinos. It could be compared to Las Vegas or Dubai, however, on a much smaller scale - the whole area of Monaco is only 2 square km (less than 1 mile)!
Monaco was never a destination I dreamed to visit. Nevertheless, we got a great deal - extremely cheap flights to Nice in winter, so why not also see the surrounding towns (and a completely different country)? On the way from Nice, we stopped in a spectacularly beautiful, although lesser known town of Eze perched on a steep, rocky cliff overlooking the incredible coast, then we continued on to Monaco itself.