A Croácia é um dos destinos mais populares nos Balcãs. E é óbvio o porquê: belas praias; cidades incríveis que datam da época do Império Romano; boa comida e vinho; paisagens idílicas. Preços incríveis também foram um motivo para visitar a Croácia, mas isso está mudando agora, infelizmente.
Dubrovnik, a cidade mais bonita da Croácia (que foi destaque em Game of Thrones) é tão cara quanto outras cidades europeias famosas. Da mesma forma que Veneza, infelizmente, perdeu muito de sua autenticidade e praticamente nenhum local vive agora na cidade velha. Visite-a fora de temporada, se você quiser evitar multidões e passeios inimagináveis saindo dos cruzeiros do Mediterrâneo.
Como alternativa, você pode visitar as cidades de Split ou Zadar.
A Croácia também possui um dos mais belos parques naturais da Europa - os Lagos Plitvice. Cascatas de águas azuis e turquesas se misturam com cachoeiras e pequenos lagos de águas cristalinas. As vistas são tão surreais que todos que visitam a Croácia devem ver essa maravilha natural!
Dê uma olhada nas postagens abaixo para encontrar mais informações sobre nossas experiências nas cidades, praias e outros lugares da Croácia:
Croatia has changed beyond recognition within the last 10 years. Its Mediterranean coast, old medieval towns made of stone, beautiful beaches and superb food attract more and more visitors to this once neglected and forgotten land. In fairness, the tourist attractions in Croatia (as well as in the whole Balkan region) are not in any way less interesting than those famous spots in Italy or France. Besides the hyper popular Dubrovnik (which was featured in great productions, such as The Game of Thrones), the northern portion of Croatian coast has also a lot to offer - the beautiful Roman city of Split (read my article about it here) and dozens of spectacular little islands. When you're in Split, one of them is particularly worth seeing - I'm talking here about Brac island which boasts reputedly the most beautiful beach in Croatia (I even spotted signs saying that in the world! For me this is the most beautiful beach in the world.) But is it really true?
Croatia, literally unknown for westerners for decades, has become one of the most popular European tourist destination in the past few years. No wonder beautiful coastline, fairy tale-like waterfalls and Dalmatian towns with ancient Roman ruins has started to attract more and more visitors. Zadar, although less known, is a perfect spot to start your adventure in Croatia and the Balkan region. The good news for backpackers is that now many of low cost airlines from around Europe fly straight to Zadar. It's easy to get there, it's charming and can easily compete with Split and Dubrovnik. And it's more authentic, less touristy and crowded.
Croatia, situated on the Adriatic Sea is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe, rich in culture and history. It's unique location is the main reason to visit it and enjoy all its benefits. Blue, crystal clear waters, Mediterranean, warm climate, delicious food and wine, affordable accommodation, breathtaking national parks. If you still haven't seen Plitvice Lakes, you must come and visit... What could you want more? I really enjoyed visiting Croatia and here I am presenting a few reasons why you also should visit this awesome country.
Split, an ancient city in modern day Croatia, after experiencing some turbulent events of the past wars, now, when the peace has come, witnessed a rapid economic growth, mainly thanks to great improvements of tourist infrastructure. It's the second largest city in Croatia (after Zagreb), and the largest in Dalmatia. Since 2000s, when Croatia invested in tourism industry, Split has become one of the most popular cities to visit on the Adriatic Coast. It owes its charm to the ancient city center situated now where the Diocletian's Palace once stood. Strolling down the narrow streets paved with the white stone from nearby Brac Island can take you back in time almost two thousand years to the era of the Roman Empire.
Plitvice Lakes National Park (Plitvicka Jezera) lies between the Croatian capital Zagreb and the Adriatic coast town - Zadar. This largest National Park of Croatia is without a doubt one of the most beautiful National Parks in Europe. The area consists of cascades of sixteen crystal clear turquoise lakes, waterfalls, forests, canyons and gorges. It is a perfect place for hiking, enjoying the natural wonders and long exposure photography. The wooden trails along the way, which make walking easy, allow you to come really close to the waterfalls. The whole park is quite big and it takes at least five - six hours to see everything. The entry fee is 110

It's hard to believe how much Dubrovnik has changed over the years. As recently as in 1991, it suffered an enormous damage during the horrific war in the Balkans - at that time it would have been the last place on Earth you would have thought of visiting. Today, not even 30 years after those dramatic events, the city has regained its grandeur - Dubrovnik is one of the most popular walled cities in the world, especially within the past few years when it has been featured in the extremely popular "Game of Thrones". But what can you expect from visiting it? Is it really as spectacular as in the famous show?