Petra part 2

Petra in Jordan - Part 2 - The Roman Center And The Trail To The Monastery (Ad-Deir)

Petra in Jordan - Part 2 - The Roman Center And The Trail To The Monastery (Ad-Deir)

As I mentioned in the first part, the ancient rock city of Petra has so much more to offer than the most popular monument - the Treasury. Around the Treasury, you can admire other, unique to the Nabataean style enormous structures carved in the rose rock and the short but steep trail to the High Place of Sacrifice. In this part I will describe all the rest - The Roman part of Petra with its impressive Colonnaded Street, the most important Nabataean Temple Qasr al-Bint and the extraordinarily attractive trail to the carved from the rock wall Monastery (Ad-Deir) located on top of the nearby hill. Besides the spectacular Monastery, the whole site also boasts unreal views over the Martian mountainous desert.